Bold and Beautiful Animals Photography Examples

Animals had been a fascinating source of inspiration for painters and photographers. The unpredictability and beastliness of the animals attracts you to capture their natural self. This makes animal photography a rather difficult task and needs a higher degree of professional photography to catch the desired frame in camera at the right moment, at right place at the right angle. Failing in gaining everything at its right place can result in a total disaster.

Add to this challenge is the most unpredictable nature of flying birds and it is much pains taking job than landscape photography. You may get only one chance of getting what you desire but you must always be prepared and ready for the unknown.

We have gathered a bold and beautiful collection of 35 animal photography masterpieces from professionally brilliant photographers from around the world. Every piece is hyper linked to take you to the source and photographer so that you can have more of these talented people.


Taken at sunrise with a Canon 600 mm f4 at the rookery @ Lake Martin LA.


Snow monkey nursing baby

Snow monkey nursing baby, Japan

snow monkey nursing baby

Soup Time

Soup Time

First light at the rookery

Great blue heron with chick on nest at first light, FL


Moments of Reflection

moments of reflection



The Great Migration

The Great Wildebeest Migration

The Great Migration

Morelia Viridis

morelia viridis

Zen Fox


Zen Fox

Marc Solar Butterfly

Walking through a park with a new found friend*, we encountered a small Butterfly and Hummingbird garden, and decided to look around. Found some beautiful flowers, butterflys and bees. This creature was doing a little dance around the flower for several minutes while I shot multiple angles and exposures. Very cooperative! Gallup Park, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Marc Solar Butterfly

cookie monster


taken with flash (red eye) (no zoom) Explored #12 Highest position


Portrait of a female baboon

female baboon

Bright Cat

bright cat


This puffin was collecting twigs for his nest. Taken in Skomer Island in Wales. Skomer is a marine nature reserve and is home to puffins at the start of spring till late summer.


Little Cow

Little Cow

King Cotton I

king cotton


This is a series of animal photographs which I am quite proud of. All were taken with a digital SLR at various zoos. I am a big fan of zoos and animals.


Leaf Alive

Leaf Alive

Red fox

red fox

Mating Seals

mating seals

Tres Banditos

tres banditos

Keven Law


We hope you liked this post of ours. We in no way claim these images belong to us. Please visit the links to appreciate the work of the artists that we featured.

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